B. Will this process increase taxes?

Not necessarily. The tax burden is the amount the Town must raise to operate local government and support the many services each of us has come to expect, such as police, fire and schools etc. If the total value of the Town increases, which is what is anticipated then the tax rate will decrease to pay those same budgetary obligations. Typically there are not big shifts in the tax burden, however, as I said before not all properties appreciate or depreciate at the same rate. For example, if residential homes are selling at 78% of market value and residential condos in an area are selling at 100% of market value as indicated in the sales analysis, then when we bring values to 100% the condos may see a tax decrease as they were already at market value. This is merely an example to help understand the process.  We currently have no specifics as to whether any one group of properties is assessed differently than another.