
Emergency Preparation

The Merrimack Police Department is committed to making Merrimack a safe place to live and work. Since the attacks on September 11, 2001 the federal government and the State of New Hampshire has been working towards a Homeland Security plan so all residents of the United States can once again feel secure and safe. We are working with all agencies so we can offer the best for the residents of Merrimack. There are many things that you can do to ensure that your family and loved ones are prepared if an emergency happens in Merrimack.

These emergencies are not limited to terrorist attacks, they could be some emergency such as a chemical leak from a truck or any other accident that may occur in or around Merrimack that would require some type of action to be taken by the community and the emergency response of the Police, Fire and Ambulance departments.

People should make efforts to follow some basic steps to be able to help their families during an emergency. Some of these steps should include;

  1. Make a Plan- You should come up with a plan that fits your families needs and wants. As with most emergencies such as a fire you would want to account for all family members (especially if you have small children), get to a safe place (this should be determined before-hand so all family members know where to go to) and contact appropriate emergency personnel to advise them of the emergency and possibly get additional information for you to follow. Most of these things would and should be done if there were a serious problem within the town or your neighborhood.
  2. Make a Kit- If there were evacuation or orders to say in your home, you should be prepared to stay there for a few days. This would require that a kit or package be made so you and your family could survive for this time. You would need food that wouldn't be of the perishable type (these should not require refrigeration or cooking). They should also be foods that you know that your family would eat. You should also have plenty of bottled water available for at least three days. Batteries and a portable radio would also be needed so you could listen to any announcements that would help you through this time.
  3. Be Informed- You would also benefit if you are aware of what to do in certain situations before they happen. It would be good to know what to do or not to do if certain things happen. Do you know what to do if there was an explosion, a fire, a nuclear blast or a chemical, biological or radiation threat?

If we prepare ourselves for an emergency we have a better chance of assuring that our family will come out of the situation in the best possible way. In our everyday lives we take steps to assure safety for our family, this is one more step that we should take to protect ourselves and our family. There are many things that we can do as residents to help us through emergencies. There are many web-sites out there that focus on these preparations for emergencies. We recommend that you visit these if you want the most up to date information on preparing yourself for an emergency. Click on any of the following links to connect to sites that will provide valuable information;

Or you can contact the NH Office of Emergency Management at 1-800-852-3792 or 603-271-2231