Conservation Commission

The Merrimack Conservation Commission (MCC) was established per the Town Charter in accordance with State Law, RSA 36-A.  It is responsible for the proper utilization and protection of the natural and watershed resources in Town – our streams, rivers, forests, wetlands, wildlife habitats, open space and our drinking water resources.  

The MCC reviews all projects that are to be located in the Town's Aquifer Conservation District and Wellhead Protection Areas. The MCC also reviews Wetlands Dredge & Fill permits for the NH Department of Environmental Services (NHDES).  The results of our review are submitted to the Planning Board and/or the NHDES for their consideration and action, as applicable.

In addition, the Commission conducts workshops, seminars, manages land owned by the Town and has various Sub-Committees to support its work and properties.

More information about the properties the Commission manages can be found at its website: 

The Commission’s Goals include:

1. To establish land management plans for Town owned land.
2. Increase land acquisition for the protection of open space and natural resources.
3. Inventory primary wetlands.
4. Create buffer zones for protection of wetlands.
5. Increase community education and outreach programs.
6. Continue to protect and support agriculture in our Community.

The MCC usually meets on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month, at 6:30 p.m. in the Matthew Thornton Room.  

The public is encouraged to attend these meetings. Anyone wishing to present an appropriate matter before the MCC should submit the information in writing to the Conservation Commission in accordance with the MCC's meeting schedule & submittal deadline in order to be placed on an agenda.  Submission should be made through the Staff at the Community Development Department.  Contact information is below.  

Meetings are aired on Merrimack Cable T.V. Channel 20 and can be viewed online at:


Board Members

Name Title
Gage Perry Full Member (06/30/25)
Steve Perkins Chairman (6/30/24)
Eric Starr Full Member (06/30/24)
Ellen Kolb Full Member (06/30/25)
Andy Hunter Town Council Representative
David Trippett Alternate (6/30/24)
Karis Welsh Full Member (6/30/26)
Andrew Duane Full Member (6/30/26)
Tom Martinson Alternate (6/30/26)
Danielle Melanson Alternate (6/30/25)